September 03, 2009

7 Similarities Between Lincoln & John F. kennedy

There are tremendous 7 similarities between former American Presidents Abraham Lincoln & John F. Kennedy... I would like to let you all know this.
  • Abraham Lincoln was elected in 1860.John F. Kennedy in 1960.
  • Lincoln secretary name was Kennedy.Kennedy secretary's name was Lincoln.
  • Lincoln has been advised by his secretary against going to the theater where he was killed.Kennedy had been advised by his secretary against going to Dallas where he was killed.
  • Lincoln was shot in a theater by a fellow who hid in a warehouse.Kennedy was shot from a warehouse by a man who hid in a theater.
  • Lincoln was killed on Friday.Kennedy too was killed on Friday.
  • Andrew Johnson Succeeded Lincoln.Lynden Johnson succeeded Kennedy.
  • Andrew Johnson was born in 1808.Lynden Johnson was born in 1908.

1 comment:

Free Template said...

it's nice blog and Nice blog content
